Luckily, I happened to be on Twitter when I noticed Raine’s tweets about her books being processed to be published just a couple days ago. I’m pretty sure that within about 10-15 minutes of Becoming being published, I bought it.
The book starts out with a little action and then you are introduced to Amber, one of the sisters and main character. Amber has been in many foster homes, which seems to happen about every three years, though that reason is explained throughout the book. Amber likes to fly under the radar and hates to stand out, but when her guardian (Mrs. B), the longest one she has had, tells her that she is taking her for a haircut as her graduation present, she can’t say no and risk hurting the closest thing she has had to a mother.
The seemingly simple haircut sparks a change in a relationship with her best friend. I immediately fell for the story between Amber and Gabriel, though I knew it couldn’t be simple. While on her long awaited graduation trip to Alaska, Amber discovers that she has sisters. The seemingly strange story of her heritage helps bring a dream she has been having into perspective.
Meeting the sisters and seeing their story unfold pulled me along as I wanted to see how things would turn out for them. There is action in pieces throughout the book leading up to a larger sequence. I really enjoyed the characters and how they interacted and handled some of the surprises along the way. I do wish there was more description about what the new plane looked like, but I feel this will be developed more in the other books since they take place in the Estilorian plane. There is just enough of the antagonist in the book to spark interest, knowing that this was not the last time we will hear about these characters.
If you are looking for a book with characters that are interesting, with a little mythology and angles thrown in, then I think you will enjoy this book. I had a hard time putting this book down, as my “just one more chapter” would turn into reading 5-10 more chapters. Becoming is the first in a trilogy that I can’t wait to finish.
You can find more about the author, Raine Thomas and her books:
Her Website: http://rainethomas.com/
Twitter: @Raine_Thomas
You can purchase Becoming here: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/76200
Hey! I just wanted to say thanks for the comment on the book cover. I worked really hard with Raine to get the covers for all 3 books to be just right! So knowing that you were drawn to the books by the cover art means a lot. Thanks so much!
Hi, there! I'm a new follower!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this review, so much so that I opened up another tab and went over to Amazon to buy it. Alas, though, it's a Kindle edition! I do not read ebooks at all -- I much prefer the print versions. So I guess I'll contact the author to see if it will be available in print, because the story sounds really intriguing!
Thanks for the great review! : )